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graph showing most Victorians want duck shooting banned and the strongest support for a ban came from regional Victoria

A poll by uComms has highlighted significant regional support for a ban on duck shooting.


The poll of 1031 regional and metro residents in early 2021, highlighted the majority support a ban, with the strongest support for a ban coming from regional Victoria.

The poll also showed:

  • Most holiday makers from metro areas would be put off holidaying in an area where there was shooting

  • Over 60% of both city and country respondents said they would feel unsafe undertaking other recreational activities where shooting takes place.

  • More voters would be more likely than less likely to vote Labor if duck shooting was banned

  • The premier is already viewed less favorably in regional areas than metro and his support of duck shooting paints him less favourably than favourably.

Graph showing people avoid duck shooting areas when going on holiday
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