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In recent months there have been some interesting claims made in one particular media outlet regarding alleged "electoral power" of duck shooters. The claims suggested the tiny number of duck shooters could sway an election result. So we crunched the numbers regarding marginal electorates and a couple of others for good measure. Result? The fact is, duck shooters do not sway elections. The rest of us do - all 99.98% of 6.7 million of us. 

So if you see something different to the below in the media, ask them how they got their numbers and when they can't answer, report them to the Press Council of Australia. :-)


Table showing number of duck shooters per electorate in Victoria

For detailed calculations click on the below

These calculations are based on Game Management Authority data for the number of duck licences in each  postcode.  Where a postcode extends across several electorates, we pro-rata those licences between electorates according to population distribution (detailed population data is available from the Victorian Electoral Commission).

See the trends of active duck shooter statistics here. 

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