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Great EgretThreatened species in Victoria. Collateral damage in recreational duck shooting. photo Dorith Callander | Great EgretThreatened species in Victoria. photo Eleanor Dilley | Royal Spoonbill with Grey Tealphoto Eleanor Dilley |
Australian Wood DuckUnique to Australia, form life-long pairs. Picture Brenda Aksionov | Pacific black DuckPicture Eleanor Dilley | Australian White Ibisphoto Eleanor Dilley |
Dusky Moorhen nest buildingphoto Eleanor Dilley | Australasian DarterUnique to Australia/New Guinea. Often called "snakebird" the Darter may be seen swimming with its body submerged with only the neck above water. photo Eleanor Dilley | Great Crested Grebephoto Eleanor Dilley |
Great EgretThreatened species in Victoria. photo Dorith Callander | Australian Ibis and Royal spoonbillphoto Kimberley Wormald | Pacific Black Duckphoto Eleanor Dilley |
Pacific Black Duckphoto Dorith Callander | Pied Cormorant and Grey Tealphoto Eleanor Dilley | Grey TealForm long term pairs. photo Eleanor Dilley |
White-necked Heronphoto R Bazeley | Australasian Darter - Malephoto Eleanor Dilley | Australian Wood Duck juvenileUnique to Australia. Of the ducks shot in the 2017 season examined by authorities, 30 percent were juvenile. photo Eleanor Dilley |
Australasian BitternEndangered species. Unique to Australia/New Zealand. | Blue-billed Duck -maleUnique to Australia. Threatened species in Victoria. Collateral damage in recreational duck shooting. photo Eleanor Dilley | Black-winged Stiltphoto Eleanor Dilley |
Beautiful Brolga, dancing.Threatened species in Victoria. Unique to Australia/New Guinea. photo Dorith Callander | Rare Freckled DuckUnique to Australia, Australia's rarest native duck. Threatened species in Victoria, NSW & SA. It is common for the freckled duck to congregate in flocks in the same area, giving the impression that they are more common than they really are. Freckled duck numbers are at risk from habitat destruction, droughts and hunting. Attempts to breed them in captivity are struggling. Sadly they are collateral damage in recreational duck shooting. photo Eleanor Dilley | Musk DuckUnique to Australia. Threatened species in Victoria. Collateral damage in duck shooting. photo Dorith Callander |
White-faced Heronphoto Eleanor Dilley | Black swanEndemic to Australia - introduced to New Zealand. Form life-long pairs. Species in decline. Collateral damage in recreational duck shooting. | Australian Black Swan cygnetphoto Kimberley Wormald |
Purple Swamphenphoto Eleanor Dilley | GalahsUnique to Australia. Form life-long pairs, staying together constantly except when nesting. | Eurasian Coot with chicksphoto Dorith Callander |
DucklingEvery shooting season, countless numbers of ducklings are left orphaned. | Straw-necked & White Ibisphoto Dorith Callander | White-faced Heron in flightphoto Dorith Callander |
Australian Wood DucksUnique to Australia, form life long pairs. Sadly, hundreds of thousands lose their lives or their partners each year in recreational duck shooting. Picture Eleanor Dilley | Pink-eared ducks loafing on logUnique to Australia and form life-long pairs. Shot in the rice fields as "pests" but they dont eat rice. They eat the real pests. photo Eleanor Dilley | Pink-eared DuckUnique to Australia, form life-long pairs. photo Eleanor Dilley |
Australian Wood DuckForms life long pairs. Unique to Australia. Sadly classed as a "game bird". Picture Eleanor Dilley | Australasian (Blue-winged) ShovelerUnique to Australia/New Zealand. Threatened species in Victoria. photo Eleanor Dilley. | Eurasian coot with chickphoto Dorith Callander |
Australian Wood Duck familyUnique to Australia. Form life-long pairs. Photo Eleanor Dilley. | Hardhead female.Unique to Australia. Threatened species in Victoria yet is legal to shoot. Photo Dorith Callander | young Pacific Black Duck |
Black Swan cygnetSadly, swans are too often mistaken for ducks and shot in duck shooting season. photo Kimberley Wormald | Red-necked StintSpecies in decline. Migratory wader, breeds in Siberia and flys to Australia and back every year. Duck shooting can interfere with their need to feed and rest undisturbed around wetland margins or beaches in preparation for their long journey. Photo Dorith Callander | White-faced HeronPicture Eleanor Dilley |
Australian Pelican & friendsphoto Dorith Callander | Sharp-tailed SandpiperSpecies in decline. Migratory wader, breeds in Siberia and flys to Australia and back every year. Duck shooting can interfere with their need to feed and rest undisturbed around wetland margins and beaches in preparation for their long journey. Photo Dorith Callander | Australian ShelduckSadly, on the list of "game" birds. Picture Eleanor Dilley |
Australian Shelduck & Freckled Duckphoto Eleanor Dilley | Black-fronted DotterillPicture Dorith Callander | Pacific Black DuckPicture Eleanor Dilley |
Australasian Darter chickspicture Eleanor Dilley | Purple Swamphen chickStill growing into his legs! photo Eleanor Dilley | Australia Wood Duck pairPicture Eleanor Dilley |
BrolgaThreatened in Victoria where it is estimated fewer than 1000 remain. Picture Susan Mason | Pacific Black Duckphoto Eleanor Dilley | Yellow-billed Spoonbill, Great EgretPicture Eleanor Dilley |
Red-capped PloverUnique to Australia / New Zealand. Feeds around wetland margins and beaches. Forms long term pairs. Photo Dorith Callander. | Grey TealPicture Eleanor Dilley | Great EgretThreatened species in Victoria. Picture Eleanor Dilley |
Straw-necked IbisPicture Dorith Callander | Hoary-headed GrebePicture Eleanor Dilley | Chestnut Teal bathingYes, these beautiful birds, also unique to Australia and on a long term decline, are also on the "game" bird list. Picture Eleanor Dilley |
Pacific Black Duckphoto Eleanor Dilley | Australasian ShelduckPicture Eleanor Dilley | Royal Spoonbill chicksPicture Eleanor Dilley |
Australian Pelicanphoto Eleanor Dilley | Yellow-billed SpoonbillEleanor Dilley | Australian PelicanEleanor Dilley |
Chestnut Team DucklingEleanor Dilley | Pacific Black DuckEleanor Dilley | Blue-billed DuckUnique to Australia Threatened species in Victoria. Picture Nalini Scarfe |
Freckled DuckAustralia's rarest duck Unique to Australia Picture Eleanor Dilley |
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