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Report illegal hunting
Examples of unlawful activity:
Ph 131 186 (BH)
PH 131 444
PH 000
Online HERE
Please keep us posted of illegal hunting reports to help us show the system isn't working!
1. Shooting outside legal Time*
duck shooting is allowed between 8am and half an hour after sunset
2. Failing to immediately retrieve and kill downed birds
3. Shooting or harassing protected species (non "game" ducks)
4. Trespass on private property
(NB shotgun pellets landing on your property is trespass)
6. "Flushing" ducks into the air with boat
7. Failing to clean up rubbish including ammunition cartridges
8. Noise pollution**: EPA 1300 372 842 and your local council
**incessant gunfire disrupting sleep and peaceful enjoyment of your property
9. Failing to take the breast meat from birds killed
10 Leaving campfires unattended
11. removing habitat
Please obtain photos/recordings as evidence if safe to do so, and keep us posted of all complaints at
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