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"It hurts. I feel it in the gut"

Regional Victorians Opposed to Duck Shooting Inc.
Sep 4, 20193 min read
Victoria In The Future
"Victoria in The Future", a government report released in July, paints a bleak future for some rural areas expected to see population...

Regional Victorians Opposed to Duck Shooting Inc.
Jul 18, 20191 min read
Happy Spaces for Tourists & Locals
Rural Victorians are calling on the Andrews Government to recognise the value in our waterways. Home to rare and threatened species of...

Regional Victorians Opposed to Duck Shooting Inc.
Jul 1, 20192 min read
International Tourism Update
Australia's rarest waterbird, the Freckled Duck, picture Eleanor Dilley Posted: 01/07/2019; Regional Victorians Opposed to Duck Shooting...

Regional Victorians Opposed to Duck Shooting Inc.
Jun 4, 20193 min read
Domestic Tourism Results Show Queensland Closing In.
Results released for the 2018 calendar year, show NSW is still ahead of the game with 34.6 million visitors and their $21.1 billion...

Regional Victorians Opposed to Duck Shooting Inc.
Jan 8, 20192 min read
We should be celebrating, not decimating our native waterbirds.
Any day now the Andrews government will announce what will or won't be, in terms of another native waterbird shooting season in 2019, at...

Regional Victorians Opposed to Duck Shooting Inc.
Oct 1, 20182 min read
A word on waste and fire risk, World Habitat Day, October 1.
The global theme for this year's World Habitat Day is waste management - a subject close to rural Victorian rate payers' hearts. Not only...

Regional Victorians Opposed to Duck Shooting Inc.
Aug 5, 20182 min read
Celebrating Victoria's Happy Spaces!
Great to see the Andrews' Government launch their "Your Happy Space" campaign, encouraging Victorians to appreciate our regional...

Regional Victorians Opposed to Duck Shooting Inc.
Jul 13, 20183 min read
In the lead up to Victoria's election - which party will act on the rural solution?
In the lead up to an election, we can expect sales pitches by politicians. But beware MP’s who call their opponents “city centric”. There...

Regional Victorians Opposed to Duck Shooting Inc.
Jun 19, 20184 min read
Finally, reprieve. End of season summary.
Uncontrolled shooting & the prospect of decentralisation. Families living around tens of thousands of waterways can finally breathe a...

Regional Victorians Opposed to Duck Shooting Inc.
May 21, 20181 min read
Premier please, it's time.
RURAL STAKEHOLDERS TURN TO TV TO BE HEARD. It's time to listen to the professional polls which say the vast majority of Victorians want...
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